Office of the University Registrar

Welcome to the University Registrar's Office at Chatham. We are located on the first floor of Braun Hall, 101房间, and we are open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. 至下午5时.m.


大学教务处的使命是及时提供卓越的服务, 准确的, 保密, 并根据大学政策和联邦法律给予支持. We are charged with ensuring the integrity, 保密, 以及学术记录的安全以及对学术政策的遵守.

正式成绩单是学校对你的学习成绩的认证声明. 正式成绩单上有大学印章和大学注册主任的签名. Therefore, negating the need for notarization. 官方电子成绩单是通过羊皮纸发送的PDF格式. When requesting your transcript select the level of coursework undergraduate, graduate or all. 

  • 1990年至今所有请求的最长处理时间为 three business days (this does not include weekends) from receipt of request. 在提出请求时,注意任何即将到来的截止日期是很重要的. Expedited processing and delivery are not options.
  • 发送和打开的电子成绩单在24小时内失效.
  • 由收件人发送而未打开的电子成绩单, expire within 30 days, and a new order will have to be placed.
  • Official transcripts will 不 be emailed or faxed (due to security issues).
  • 订单完成后,将向请求者发送一封确认电子邮件.
  • Please note that you must complete your signed release with Parchment in order for us to send your transcript; this is in accordance with federal law. 

How to Order an Official Transcript

根据波胆网站的可持续发展和环境的使命, 该大学已与Parchment合作,提供24/7在线成绩单订购.  你的正式成绩单将通过一个安全的平台以电子方式发送. Chatham University charges $5.00 per electronic transcript. 

以前的学生: 访问 this website to place a transcript order. Orders are authorized via electronic signature, 你需要附上你的社会保险号或者查塔姆学院的学生号.

Current Students: Orders are placed and authorized via the Self-Service tool on myChatham. 

How to Create an Account with Parchment
How to Order a Transcript with Parchment



  1. Official transcripts are available here. Chatham University charges $10.00 per parer transcription and $5.00 per electronic transcript.  
  2. DegreeVerify through the National Student Clearinghouse here. 通过这项服务,您将能够获得大学学位或出勤率的即时在线验证. The charge is $14.95.

如果您需要专业执照或认证的具体验证信息, please contact the appropriate department.

Current Students

General enrollment information is available via an enrollment verification certificate. 学生自助服务为您提供了通过网络安全地执行以下服务的能力,从而节省了您前往大学注册办公室的路程, 24/7:

  • 打印入学验证证书,发送给需要您的入学证明的组织
  • 检查发送给贷方的延期表格和电子通知
  • Obtain a list of your student loan lenders
  • View your enrollment history
  • 查看根据您的要求提供给学生服务提供者的注册验证

Student Self-Service is easy to use and secure. You can try it for yourself right now by logging onto myChatham 并选择“学生自助注册验证”按钮. 学生自助服务通过国家学生信息中心提供, 为高等教育界服务的非营利组织. 由于这项服务,我们将不再填写表格或发出信件.

替代文凭上有毕业生的名字,因为它列在学生的正式记录上, the student's graduation date and degree, is 8 ½ by 11 inches in size, 上面的签名和应届毕业生的毕业证上的签名一样. There is a $25 fee for a replacement diploma, 它将被邮寄到表格上所写的当前地址. Normal processing time for replacement diplomas is 30 days; please allow for more time during peak periods.  

The Replacement Diploma Order Form can be found here.


Course Schedule (Current Chatham Students)

Course Schedule (Non-Chatham Students)

跨学院和大学注册的目的是通过允许任何匹兹堡高等教育委员会(PCHE)机构的学生在任何其他PCHE机构学习课程,为丰富的教育项目提供机会. 交叉注册的机会开放给所有在PCHE学院或大学注册的全日制研究生和本科生. 非全日制学生通常不允许交叉注册.

What are the benefits?

  • No additional tuition charge; however students must pay special course or laboratory fees to the host institution.
  • Full credit and grade are transferred to the home institution.
  • There is a broader range of course offerings to choose from.

What are the guidelines?

  • 每学期只限一门课程.
  • Students advisor or dean must assure course eligibility.
  • 学生不得在已注册为学生的PCHE机构交叉注册课程.
  • Academic rules and regulations of the host institution prevail.
  • 学生在接待机构不获得身份,但有图书馆和书店的特权.
  • 在家庭和接收机构的截止日期之后,需要获得许可才能添加或删除课程.
  • 参加两所职业教育培训机构批准的联合合作项目的学生不需要在任何一所学校全日制学习.
  • Cross-registration applies to only fall or spring terms.
  • 对于许多学生来说,在毕业前的最后一个学期交叉注册任何课程都是不明智的.

Download the PCHE Cross-Registration Form (pdf)

The form must be downloaded to your computer first, 然后在adobeacrobat中填写以使用电子签名.

您是否看到错误消息或无法查看PDF表单? 查看PCHE交叉注册表格的故障排除说明. If you still encounter issues opening the form please contact the Chatham HelpDesk or call 412-365-1112.

Participating Institutions

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Office of the University Registrar
Pittsburgh, PA 15232 
Phone: 412-365-2963
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Email the Registrar's Office